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Taste Riise at your local reseller

To demonstrate what we mean by great taste, the vast majority of dealers have opened one or two Riise bottles, so you can sample the delicious drops in their shops.

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great flavour is paramount

Let’s toast great taste!

At A.H. Riise, great flavour is paramount. Our mission is to create top quality rum blends to provide immediate pleasure without endless years of acclimatization. The very first drop should tickle your taste buds.  

That’s why we’re so happy every time people get to know our products in international blind tastings, which are all about the taste, rather than preconceptions.

To demonstrate what we mean by great taste, the vast majority of dealers have opened one or two Riise bottles, so you can sample the delicious drops in their shops.

The term ‘rum’ covers a whole world of flavor sensations: from light and easy, sweet, dark, and rich to stringent and dry. In other words, when you’re in a shop, it can be challenging to know what you’re buying. There’s nothing worse than arriving home with a bottle of something you don’t really like.  

So, come and taste our excellent drops and learn all about the history behind them!

A.H. Riise Signature Rum
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A taste for any occasion


For more information click on a bottle

XO Reserve
Royal Danish Navy
Premium Master Blends
XO Rum Cream Liqueurs