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Fun Fact Rum Quiz

Rum has had many uses throughout the ages. See if you can guess them! Read the article and learn more. 
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In the 1800s, rum was sold in pharmacies and used in the treatment of:

Vintage drawing of man drinking rum in bed
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For many years, sailors in the Royal English Navy received a daily ration of rum. When was it banned due to the risk of accidents in the engine room?

People standing around a rum barrel
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What agent was used in the old days to ensure that the rum was not diluted and kept an alcohol percentage above 50%?

Vintage drawing of man drinking rum
Correct! Wrong!

In the 19th century, it was believed that rum had special cosmetic effects and could counteract:

Vintage drawing of man drinking rum
Correct! Wrong!

In the West Indies, rum was used as a base in the production of the so-called "Bay Rum". What was the product i.a. used as?

Vintage drawing of a rum bottle
Correct! Wrong!

Fun Fact Rum Quiz - EN
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La Galante

Old St. Croix Non Plus Ultra La Galante is complex, full-bodied, and soft with a spicy taste of orange, creamy vanilla and lemon with gentle notes from oak barrels. 

A taste for any occasion


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XO Reserve
Royal Danish Navy
Premium Master Blends
XO Rum Cream Liqueurs